Friday, August 22, 2008

Malware Bytes

Click Here To Download MalwareBytes full Setup

MalwareBytes is an anti malware software and is very useful to delete malwares in your system, which sometimes even the most powerful antivirus softwares fail to..

There are some virus/malwares in the market, which are chiefly transmitting through Internet.
eg., ANTIVIRUS XP 2008

Antivirus XP 2008 itself is a rogue Antivirus ie., it itself is a virus which downloads virus from various sites from net. It shows fake warning messages showing 1000s of viruses in you system and asks you to pay some amount to register so as to remove all those viruses.. Dont fall for such malwares.. It even corrupts your antivirus..

Such malwares can be removed successfully by MalwareBytes..

Have a safe system..


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